Calvary Lutheran Church
Divine Service: Sunday @ 10am
Christmas Eve Vigil: 12/24 @7pm
Christmas Day Divine Service: 12/25 @10am
The Christian Church Year
The season of Advent begins at the end of November and lasts four weeks. Advent is a preparatory and penitential season. During Advent we prepare our hearts for Christ to come to us. The color of the Advent season is purple, which symbolizes royalty and repentance.
The Christmas season is 12 days. During this season we celebrate the incarnation of God's Son and his being born of the Virgin Mary. The color of the Christmas season is white which symbolizes purity and holiness.
The Epiphany season begins on January 6. The length of the Epiphany season depends on when Easter falls. During the Epiphany season Jesus is revealed to be the Messiah through his miracles and teachings. The color for the festival of Epiphany and the first Sunday in Epiphany is white. The colors for the other Sundays in Epiphany is green which symbolizes life.
The Lenten season begins on Ash Wednesday. There are 40 days in Lenten season (not counting the Sundays). Lent is a time for humility, but it is also a season for us to marvel at Jesus who bore our sins and lived a holy life in our place. The color for Ash Wednesday is black, which symbolizes sorrow and death. The color for the rest of the Lenten season is purple.
(Holy Week)
Holy Week takes place during the lenten season, beginning on Palm Sunday and ending on Holy Saturday. During Holy Week, we remember Christ's celebration of the Passover and his institution of the Lord's Supper. On Good Friday, we remember the sacrifice of Christ. Finally, we celebrate the Great Vigil of Easter on Easter eve. The colors for Holy Week are purple for Palm Sunday, white for Maundy Thursday, black for Good Friday, and purple & gold for Easter Vigil.
The sorrow of Lent and Good Friday are put away with the joy and triumph of the Easter Season, which last for seven weeks. During the Easter season we celebrate and proclaim all the Christ's Easter victory means for us. The color for Easter Sunday and the second Sunday of Easter is gold. The color for the rest of the Easter season is white.
The Pentecost season begins 50 days after Easter with the Festival of Pentecost, on which the promised Holy Spirit was given to the faithful. For the remainder of the Pentecost season, we focus on the believer's life of thanksgiving and faith in response to God's goodness. The color of the festival of Pentecost is red, which symbolizes fire. The color for the rest of the Sundays in Pentecost is green.